Mega Man Quotes

You can use the API that powers this site in your own projects if you want to. It uses HTTP endpoints that return JSON.
Get Random Quote
Get a randomly selected quote.
{ 'id': 'The identifier of the quote' 'text': 'The main text of the quote', 'author': 'The name of the quote author', 'source': 'The source of the quote if available. Otherwise an empty string.', 'permalink': 'A permanent absolute URL to the quote' }
Get Quote by Id
Get a specific quote by id.
{ 'id': 'The identifier of the quote' 'text': 'The main text of the quote', 'author': 'The name of the quote author', 'source': 'The source of the quote if available. Otherwise an empty string.', 'permalink': 'A permanent absolute URL to the quote' }
Search all quotes for a specific term. If no matching quotes are found, an empty array is returned.
[ { 'id': 'The identifier of first the quote' 'text': 'The main text of first the quote', 'author': 'The name of the first quote author', 'source': 'The source of the first quote if available. Otherwise an empty string.', 'permalink': 'A permanent absolute URL to the first quote' }, { 'id': 'The identifier of the second quote' 'text': 'The main text of the second quote', 'author': 'The name of the second quote author', 'source': 'The source of the second quote if available. Otherwise an empty string.', 'permalink': 'A permanent absolute URL to the second quote' } ]